


Eureka County
  39.50115, -115.95878

"Wait. Is there any town along "America's Loneliest Road" that isn't friendly?" -- Journal Entry, October 2009

Along US 50 at the Eureka Rest Stop -- Eureka

Original Date Visited: 10/21/09

Signed: Both lanes of US 50

  • The Friendliest Town on the Loneliest Road
  • One of twenty Stone markers in Nevada
  • Eureka Nevada: Once dubbed, Pittsburgh of the West

Exact Description:
"Eureka!" a miner is said to have exclaimed in September, 1864, when the discovery of rich ore was made here--and thus the town was named. Eureka soon developed the first important lead-silver deposits in the nation and during the furious boom of the 80's had 16 smelters, over 100 saloons, a population of 10,000 and a railroad, the colorful Eureka and Palisade that connected with the main line 90 miles to the north.

Production began to fall off in 1883 and by 1891 the smelters closed, their sites marked by the huge slag dumps seen at both ends of Main Street.

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Related Links & Markers

Nevada Towns: Eureka  Eureka (Nevada Web)    Greetings from Eureka

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